Hello! I’ve been learning a few new techniques in watercolor (in particular how to control splatter textures), and I did a painting combining these new techniques. With this winter season it’s actually quite on the spot!

Hello! These last few weeks, I’ve enjoyed watching nature being reborn, flowers and trees blooming, taking moments outside feeling the sun on the face… And it has inspired me this drawing, while I was sitting on my terrace and watching the plants I have and the neighbours’ too. I hope you all enjoy spring time!

Hello, I’ve been practising lately how to paint landscapes with watercolour, especially sea landscapes. I struggled quite a bit at first, with the colours and the details, but I’m quite happy with my last attempt. Here is the original photo I took for inspiration, taken last April in Cargèse, Corsica: As I mentioned, my first attempts were not very conclusive, especially the second one which I painted on site, I put them here to show the progress I’ve made over the trials:

Hello, I often like to look at books and encyclopedia on nature to find inspiration. For this one, I took the inspiration from the picture of a tree in the Serengeti savanna, where a bird called black-capped social weaver likes to make its nest. Many birds do so on the same tree (hence the name “social”), and the nests look like balls hanging a bit like in a Christmas tree :)


Hey there, I recently took an online class by Laura McKendry, whose style I love and I find so loose and fresh, and for that class I made a couple of drawings about insects. I discovered how much fun they are to paint or draw! This first one I painted with watercolor the basic shape I wanted to do, and then I drawed with pencils on top. In this second one, I tried to paint them walking in different directions and to look more lively :)


Hey! Here is a small drawing of my cat, whose favorite posture is to lie on the back. She’s often in that weird mood in-between cuddly and psycho-cat, lying a trap full of claws when we try to pet it :)

Hello, Last weekend, I went to the parc and was happy to see the rich colors autumn is giving to the trees. I collected a few leaves and branches and it inspired me to this painting.

Lilie Artsci

My blog about science and art