
I finally finished my pop-up book after 3 years! It took me a lot of time to figure out which buildings I wanted to make pop, and how I was able to do so. But I’m super proud and happy of the result!

Each page shows a place I’ve lived in for at least a few weeks: Rouen, Mexico, Madrid, Barcelona, New York State, Tokyo and Nice.




I’ve been learning a few new techniques in watercolor (in particular how to control splatter textures), and I did a painting combining these new techniques.

With this winter season it’s actually quite on the spot!



Sounds like the title of a fairy tale, but I’m actually going to talk about 2 paintings I made with my new set of iridescent watercolours :).

The first one is a magpie, one of my favorite birds with its tuxedo-like plumage and its petroleum colours. My previous trials of magpies had not been very satisfying, but I thought this new set of paints were worth making another attempt, and I’m quite happy with the result! The bottom picture was taken with flash to show the iridescent colours.